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Q.1 What is communication? 

Ans:- The imparting or exchange of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium is known as communication. 

Q.2 How many types of communication are there? 

Ans:- There are two types of communication :- a. Based on communication channels: - i. Verbal ii. Non-Verbal b. Based on style and Purpose: - i. Formal ii. Informal 

Q.3 What are the learning objectives of effective communication? 

 Ans:- 1. To Develop the Interpersonal Skills 2. To express effectively & with maximum efficiency 

Q.4 What is writing? 

Ans:- Writing is a form of communication that allows students to put their feelings and ideas on paper, to organize their knowledge and beliefs into convincing arguments, and convey meaning through well-constructed text. 

Q.5 Write some points which needed for the effective communication.

 Ans:- An Effective communication requires the following understanding:- 1. A message is conveyed clearly between sender and the receiver. 2. To communicate successfully we must know what barriers to communication exist and ensure that they do not obstruct. 3. Whether in a team or with others, the communication environment is conducive. 

Q.6 What is communication barrier

Ans:- A communication barrier is anything that prevents us from receiving and understanding the message which is sent to us to convey information, ideas and thoughts. 

Q.7 Write the names of barriers which can affect better communication

Ans:- Some barriers which can affect better communication are :- 1. Physical Barriers 2. Language Barriers 3. Gender Barriers 4. Attitudinal Barriers 5. Perceptual Barriers 6. Cultural Barriers 7. Emotional Barriers

Q.8 How can we overcome the communication barriers? 

Ans:- We can overcome the communication barriers by following method:- 1. Engage in face to face interactions. 2. Reduce or eliminate distractions around 3. Try to assess the need of the receiver 4. Soften the tone 

Q.9 What are the principles of communication? 

Ans:- 1. Seek first to understand the people, then diagnose and prescribe. 2. Always try to face to face communication 3. Don’t make complex communication or add many people in communication. 4. Always take feedback to improve our communication skills. 

Q.10 What are the 7C’s of communication? 

Ans:- 1. Be Clear- Clarity in communication is always makes a better communication 

2. Be concise- Always make the message brief and to the point 

3. Be Concrete- Concrete communication is about being specific and clear rather than vague, obscure and general. 

4. Be correct – Always try to communicate the correct message because an incorrect message doesn’t help anyone. 

5. Be coherent – The message always have some sense and flowed logically from one sentence to the next.

 6. Be Complete – The message must contain all necessary information to achieve the desired response.

 7. Be courteous – Always try to be polite as courtesy builds goodwill. 

Q.11 What is the meaning and importance of stress management? 

\Ans:- Stress Management refers to focusing human efforts for maintaining a healthy body and mind capable of better withstanding stressful situations. Occasional stress is an unavoidable part of one’s life. Stress refers to a “physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension”. Small amounts of stress have a positive effect and they help us stretch ourselves to new level. High levels of stress over prolonged periods need to be managed. A Stress well managed can help one view events and situations as challenges and contributes in the growth of individual. Unmanaged stress leads to anxiety and sorrow resulting in ill status of mental and physical health. Stress causal agents can have following origins. 

Q.12 What kind of stress are there which is to be managed? 

Ans:- There are four kinds of stress management:- 1. Mental: Students can be left overwhelmed, if they are unable to handle their assignment submission deadlines and examinations grades. Overly high expectations from self can leave one with chronic anxiety and stress. 2. Physical: As children grow up they may seek more independence, may become critically conscious of their looks and have to cope up with hormonal changes. Issues related to general well-being and health of an individual can lead to low self-esteem and cause stress. 3. Social: Discord amongst family members, peer pressure for doing things which kids will generally avoid, maintaining balance in relationships amongst friends, status show off may lead to stress at times. 4. Financial: Youngsters may have aspirational financial stress. This may of becoming independent or Finances aspirational stress may leads to the financial stress. 

Q.13 What are the importance of stress management? 

Ans:- Stress management is important because its leads to the following benefits:-  Improves mood  Boosts immune system  Promotes longevity  Leads to burst of physical strength, which is vital for goal achievement  Complete mental and physical engagement for task accomplishment  Increases efficiency and effectiveness  Prevents psychological disorders and behavioral problems 

Q.14 Write some stress management techniques by which a person can deal with stress? 

Ans:- Apart from positive thinking, managing one’s time across any or a combination of the following activities aids in stress management:- 1. Physical Exercise 2. Yoga 3. Meditation 4. Enjoying 5. Going on vacations 6. Taking nature walks 

Q.15 What do understand by “Ability to work independently”?

 Ans:- Everyone who has been sent on this earth has been blessed in their own way. They together make this earth a beautiful place. Some can sing well, others are good at sports, some are intellectuals and some are good comedians. Everyone is special. But it is important that everyone learns the art of working independently. This typically means that one must learn to take ownership of the task assigned and leave no stone unturned in accomplishing the task. The individual who has the ability to work independently need not be supervised for the task completion. 

Q.16 How can we enhance the ability to work independently? 

Ans:- Ability to work independently can be enhanced by being self-aware, self-motivated and selfregulated.

Q.17 What do you understand by environment? 

Ans:- It is the natural surroundings of a living thing. It includes everything found in the surroundings of living things such as air, water, plants, animals etc. Environment is essential for continuation of life earth. It gives us everything needed to lead our life on Earth. It aids in the growth & development of all livings things such as plants and animals. 

Q.18 What the environment includes? 

Ans:- Environment includes both the living things as well as nonliving things. The living things broadly include plants and animals. The non-living things is constituted of three main parts – 1. Lithosphere – it refers to the outer layer of the earth. It includes rocks and soils found on the surface of earth 2. Hydrosphere – it refers to water bodies found on the surface of earth. E.g., seas, rivers, oceans, streams etc. 3. Biosphere – it refers to that part of environment where life exists. 

Q.19 Explain the environmental pollution and its causes. 

Ans:- Human activities often wreak havoc on our environment leading to pollution of land, water, and air pollution. However, our environment is degrading every single day. This is because of the technological innovations in the modern age. The challenges posed by the continuous technological advancements have lead to a decrease in the quality of environment. As a result, environmental pollution has emerged as quite a hazard. 

Q.20 What is the relation between society, environment and ecosystem? 

Ans:- Interactions between human society and the environment are dynamic in nature. Man’s relationship with environment has, over the course of earth’s history, followed a pattern of its own. Every step in the history of man has seen a change in the nature of relationship with the environment. Early humans, were, more or less in harmony with the environment. Being hunter-gatherers, they took only so much from their environment as they required to fulfill their basic needs. Their impact on environment was minimal owing to the nature of their needs and the size of their population. However the situation changed with the increase in population. As the population increased, the lifestyle of the people also changed. This was accompanied with the increase in demands of the people. It started an ever increasing dependence on natural resources. 

Q.21 What do you understand by ecological imbalance? 

Ans:- The stability of ecosystem refers to balance between production and consumption of each element in the ecosystem. In other words, ecosystem stability means balance between input and output of energy and normal functioning of different bio-geo-chemical cycles and stable conditions of concentration of all elements. However sometimes ecosystem faces imbalance. This is most likely to happen when an ecosystem is unable to adjust with environmental changes. For example continuous destruction of trees in a forest ecosystem rarely permits regeneration of forest community because exposed surface due to deforestation is subjected to intense weathering and erosion and nutrients are washed out by surface run-off.

Q.22 What are the factors which causes ecological imbalance?

 Ans:- The various factors causing ecological imbalance are as follows:- 1. Destruction of forests 2. Industrialization 3. Urbanization 4. Large scale use of pesticides 5. Overgrazing 

Q.23 What are natural resources? 

Ans:- Resources that nature has provided such as soil, air, water, minerals, coal, sunshine (sunlight), animals and plants, etc., are known as natural resources. These are utilized by human beings for the purposes of survival and welfare. 

Q.24 How many types of Natural resources are there? 

Ans:- There are two main types of natural resources. These are:- 1. Renewable natural resources- Resources that can be renewed naturally are known as Renewable resources. E.g., water, soil, wind etc. 2. Non-renewable natural resources - Resources that cannot be renewed naturally are known as Non-renewable resources. E.g., coal, petrol etc. 

Q.25 What do you understand by Green Economy? 

Ans:- An economy is called Green economy when it is based on the principles of sustainable development. Reduction of environmental risks is the primary goal of Green economy. The main focus is to ensure economic growth without harming the environment. 

Q.26 What do you understand by Entrepreneurship? 

Ans:- Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business, which is often initially a small business. The people who create these businesses are called entrepreneurs. 

Q.27 What are the Qualities and functions of an Entrepreneur?

 Ans:- Qualities of an entrepreneur:- Disciplined, Confident, Open Minded, Self-Starter, Competitive, Creative, Determination etc. Functions of an entrepreneur:- Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing etc. 

Q.28 What is the Role and importance of an Entrepreneur?

 Ans:- The founder takes the lead in managing and motivating employees. Employees take their cues from their leader, so it's crucial that the leader has a clear vision for the business and manages it in a consistent and exemplary manner. Most successful entrepreneurs "give back" to the communities that support them through volunteer activities. These activities include speaking to peers focused on how to start a business, mentoring less experienced individuals, supporting trade associations, or engaging in volunteer activities of interest to the entrepreneur.

Q.29 What are the myths about the Entrepreneurship? 

Ans:- There are lots of very wrong myths out there about entrepreneurs that may be worthwhile are as follows:- 1. Entrepreneurs Are High Risk Takers 2. Entrepreneurs Are Born 3. Entrepreneurs Are Mainly Motivated to Get Rich 4. Entrepreneurs Give Little Attention to Their Personal Life 5. Entrepreneurs Are Often High-Tech Wizards 6. Entrepreneurs Are Job Hoppers 7. Entrepreneurs Are Often Ruthless or Deceptive 

Q.30 What is Entrepreneurship as a career? 

Ans:- Being an entrepreneur, teaches life skills, increases creativity and problem solving skills, provides better understanding of business and market economics, enhances competencies of persistence, communication, teamwork and networking skills and hence, enhances employability. Degree in entrepreneurship provides you a foundation in management, finance and business operations. Entrepreneurship emerges as a favourite career option for the Indian students. Entrepreneurship as a profession gives a great sense of independence & remarkable amount of job satisfaction

IT Spreadsheet Notes Class 10 : Link

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